* Existence is GOD Experiencing GOD
* The physical universe was created for the Spirit (and not for the body)
So focus on the Spirit's purpose on Earth
* It is TIME to be GREATER
* When experiencing negative feelings - take deep, deep breaths
Let the energies pass and fade...
You are not these negative energies
You are the Self experiencing the negative energies
Think positive - Love, Light, Beauty, Happiness and so on
(Like a can of soda - once opened the energy /pressure is released and eventuallly fizzles out)
* Michael Jackson had been preparing for the Last Great Performance of his life - when he died unexpectedly
His Inspiration for us:
Do now the Greatest that you want to do for the world - while you still have the chance and the time
* If it's meant to be
Then it's meant to be
- Brent Harmach
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