Monday, January 23, 2012

Brodd’s World Record in Warcraft

Brent Harmach achieved a World Record in the Frozen Throne (Warcraft 3) game last February 4, 2011.

Brent single-handedly beat 6 coms!!!

(Market Square map)

The Impossible was made Possible!!!

Yeah people had told me it was Impossible – and I made it Possible lol

Brent is the Only One in the whole world who has done this

Imagine trying to win versus a combined force of over 500 units when you are limited to just 100 units (The game allows only 100 units max per player)

Just trying to beat 5 computers is next to impossible, especially if one doesn’t have the complex ability to do this. So people will think that defeating 6 coms is just impossible to do

This is the latest version of Warcraft (1.24e), so the AIs are stronger and smarter

In playing this game I require that all 4 available races (Human, Night Elf, Orc, Undead) are chosen for four of my enemies. The other 2 are random races – for fairness.

This is my great strat:

I choose the Undead race which is my  strongest race.

At the start of the game, every hero has a teleport scroll in his/her inventory.  This tp scroll lets the hero and the forces around him/her to tp to the main hall. It’s a crucial item since it allows you to tp out during battles once you see that your warriors are getting beaten by the enemies, or when your main hero is near death

My first hero is Darkranger – who’s my Best Hero. My first skill for her is the dark arrow which enables her to make skeleton warriors off killed enemies – when she hits them at the right moments. Her ultimate skill (which she achieves upon reaching level 6) is charm – where she can turn an enemy unit into one of her own

Why Darkranger? Because I like playing girl characters. A great thing with Darkranger is her ability to creep continuously – thanks to her skels back-up

I buy a skeleton rod from my just built base shop (only 1 is available at the beginning of the game). This rod has 4 charges – and 1 charge can summon 2 skeleton warriors off a corpse (which becomes  available when there are killed units in a battlefield). After you use one charge, you have to wait for the rod to cool down for several moments before you can use it again.

Summoned units only exist for several seconds – then they are gone from the game

My heroine needs much support from such warriors since she’s a girl and thus she’s more fragile compared to other heroes

During many battles, I ff (focus fire) on weakest units so I can make skel fighters off em

The skels made from Darkranger’s arrows grow bigger as she levels up

I creep early and continuously as possible – to level up my heroine and to earn more bucks. Once I have enough fighting units I attack the nearest minefield and make it my first expansion

From creeps, my heroine can pick up random items, which usually add strength or armor or speed or attack power, etc.

Before I build expn # 1, I upgrade my Necropolis (the main hall) first. This is the tech required for making 2nd tier units and a 2nd hero

In Warcraft, you have vision only in the areas where you have units or structures, so you can’t always know where the enemies’ armies are, and what they are doing

Next I creep the adjacent 2 or 3 mines and try to make them my expansions too if I can (and as fast as possible). This is done with care – for I try to avoid early encounters as much as possible – since AI armies that are near each other automatically join forces during clashes, and I can’t win against them when I have a lesser number of warriors. That’s because a large part of my resources have already been spent in building my early expansions – instead of being used for making more units and upgrading their attack/armor

Yes, if I had spent much of my bucks for units then there’s a fair chance I’d win the early clashes – for I tech much faster than AIs. Credit a big part of this to my experience (I was rank 411 in US West last year)

In Warcraft, you need to harvest gold and lumber in order to build your base structures and make units. Usually it’s the incoming lumber that lags behind the incoming gold, so I make more ghouls (the lumberjacks) to compensate for this

At the same time that I’m doin creeps, I’m also starting to turn my ziggurats into defense towers – for I need defenses for my main base (it’s game over once all of your structures are razed). Towers fire energy waves vs air and ground units. This is an additional strain on my resources, since these upgrades cost a lot. Moreso, they require time and effort

In this map, every base has a single and wide ground entrance. So I position my towers on the left and right sides of the base. Lots of them – as much as possible. This build up takes time – for much of my resources are used for units and their upgrades. And for my expns too.

 I leave a wide open space in the middle of the base – cause this is where I will block the mass enemy forces with my army during the great inbase battles later. So while the enemies are engaging my forces, the towers on both sides are firing at them. Great defensive strat self-created by me.

Another reason why I have to make the ground space wide is because I have to get at those enemy siege units positioned at the rear area (as possibly as I can) – since they wreak havoc on my towers (they automatically attack towers during clashes). Also, if the open space was narrow, more of the enemy units will attack the towers instead of my warriors

My style is to spend my resources as much as possible. This results to faster teching, stronger warriors, and better base defenses

If ever I encounter enemies along the way (which is most probable), I just run from them. And when they chase after me, I can sacrifice a unit to engage them while the rest of my army escapes

Once the mainhall is upgraded to Halls of The Dead, I make my second hero – and my choice is Beastmaster. Because I need his ultimate skill (level 6 spell) – where he summons a horde of dinos to stampede on enemy units – during the great battles. Very effective against mass ground forces. This ulti skill lasts for several seconds, and has to cool down for sometime before I can use it again. This means that you can use your ulti just once in every big clash. His first skill is summoning a bear, and a maximum of two can be summoned. These bears grow bigger as Beastmaster levels up

Soon I run Darkranger’s forces back to base to sell most (if not all) of her picked up items while Beastmaster tries to buy 2 healing potions(one for each hero) and a skel rod. If there’s lack of money, I wait inbase til my resources are enough for purchasing these items

By this time I would have made about 3-5 expns already. But I need to make additional harvesters for each expansion (a minefield can hold up to 5 peons max) – and this costs me time and effort, which could have been used for units/upgrades/creeping

Then I go out for my 2nd wave of creepings. I also start to build structures for making necromancers, wagons and obsidian statues

Necromancers can summon lots of skel warriors which are my chosen mass units vs my numerous enemies. When upgraded, necs can summon skel mages (this is the 3rd tier tech) which are my chosen anti-air units

Wagons carry corpses and are thus needed for my necs. I usually get 4 of em for the duration of the game

An obsidian statue provides healing or mana replenishment (based on the function you want it to have) for my forces while on the go. Typically I make one healing stat and one mana stat for the entire game

A great self-created tactic is my bringing along of 2 peons who are on auto-repair mode. They repair my stats and wagons during combat

I upgrade my skel fighters’ attack and armor whenever I have the time and resources

Imagine creeping AND dealing with expansions AND building more base structures 
AND doing upgrades – almost all at the same time – the complexity is just astounding

My heroes are still low level at this point and have few support units, so I only creep the nearest expansions that may still be available. Then I try to make expns off them if I can. By this time the enemies are starting to expand too, so I can encounter various peons along the way, which I try to eliminate if I can. And if I’m lucky, I can reach a minefield where an enemy’s just starting to build an expn. This I attempt to destroy if possible. For there are instances when enemy armies arrive to help. Depending on the situation, I can focus on the structure til it is destructed (which isn’t always successful) while the enemies are attacking my forces, then I tp out. Or I can just run away. Or I can kill some unit/s then tp out (heroes gain experience from kills)

Soon I tech my mainhall for the final time. Once this is done, I can have a 3rd hero and make skel mages . Plus I’ll be able to do my final upgrades

I don’t have to creep all the mines in the mid area of the map since I don’t want to risk more chance encounters at this point. Cause by this time the combined enemy armies are more than enough to annihilate me

And they do start to attack my expns, which I am helpless to defend. A remarkable self-
strat by me during an attack on an expn of mine is to run some peons in one direction to draw the enemies to them. Then I run the remaining peons to another direction and try to hide them just near the destroyed expn. So there are times when some of my peons do survive. Once the attackers are gone I try to rebuild the expn lol.

 And I just go on creeping in others areas (if I can). And anytime I’m ready to tp to my 
main should an enemy army decide to attack the base (which happens at times). When such a midgame assault occurs I have  good defenses already and make mincemeat of them attackers

The brilliance of my having several expansions is that they draw the enemy attacks away from my base. Otherwise the enemy armies will be proceeding to my main and eliminate me, for my defenses are not yet enough to withstand their combined forces. Thanks to my expns, I’m able to fortify my base with more towers

Once my mainhall has become a Black Citadel (final tech), I make my 3rd hero – and I choose Creeplord. For I need his ulti in the big wars. His level 6 skill is the locust swarm where he sends out a mass of locusts from himself (these ferocious insects bite at organic units and when they return to Creeplord they add chunks to his life. This makes him very hard to kill). For his first skill I choose his ability to summon 5 beetles (max) – additional troops. These beetles get larger as he levels up

Soon I’m able to have summoned skel mages and do the final upgrades on the attack and armor of my skel warriors

Now I creep with my army of 3 heroes, some necs, wagons, stats, and two peons. Also, I go to the stores where I can buy invulnerability potions. As much as possible I want an invul potion for each of my heroes. In the order of priority, Beastmaster is first, and Creeplord is second. These potions are very critical during the greatest battles, for they make my heroes invincible for a few seconds. I use the potion when a hero is about to be killed and this can save him/her.

There are times when I do encounter enemy forces and I either engage em or just run off. In case of combat, I’ll tp out once I see that there are too many of them.

Later, the inevitable happens. All of my expns will have been destroyed and taken over by them enemies, for they need resources to make their armies stronger

And the mine in my base will soon run out of gold. When that happens I’ll have little (or zero) resources left

My next move will be to try to creep some more, for it’s the only way I can gain additional resources and level up my heroes. By this time Darkranger would be around level 5/6, Beastmaster around level 4, and Creeplord around level 2/3. But when I sense that’s it’s too dangerous to go on creeping, I just return to base and wait for the unavoidable. Sometimes the enemies may attack already, so I’d tp in

 And the Greatest Battle happens

The biggest assault of the game begins. The first enemy army arrives, followed by wave after wave of other armies. I have my units positioned at the rear area of the base. Immediately I summon skels. These are my frontline forces – they’re the ones that take the brunt of the attacks

You can only imagine how overwhelmingly massive the combined forces of the invading armies are. They have the best and the strongest units of all the 4 races.

 There are the hulking mountain giants (super melee) and terrifying chimeras (very powerful against ground units and structures) of the elves.  They have catapults too (siege machines).

 Then there are the formidable knights and gryphons (which have riders that throw hardhitting hammers at anything) of the humans. They also have healers (priests), and those siege mortar teams (which pulverize structures and units). Plus they have the dragonhawk riders which can fog towers, rendering these structures useless for several seconds.

The orcs have their powerful melee units – the taurens, and their demolishers (siege units)

Then there are the fearsome wyrms (frost dragons) of the undead – which are ultrahard to kill. They can freeze towers for sometime. They have their necs too and those siege wagons

And behold their mighty heroes, each having his/her own super skills

Human heroes can rain down blizzard (effective vs massed forces), or burn large areas. They can also resurrect 6 of their units, or stun some enemies

The orc heroes can have the powerful bladestorm (where Blademaster performs a terrible rotation which is very destructive vs anything), the healing wave, or the mass stun. They can also have the shockwave (effective against a number of units), snake wards, or images (Blademaster can create up to 3 images of himself). Also, they can have 2 tough summoned wolves or use earthquake (which slows and stuns units. It is powerful against buildings)

Elf heroes can have the devastating starfall (where stars rain down on units and buildings) or the mass healing spell. Warden can summon an avatar which has the ability to summon invulnerable units from corpses

The undead heroes can have frost armor, lifesteal aura, or a summoned  giant infernal (a burning golem which is one of the most powerful fighting units ever in warcraft). Their death and decay spell is very damaging to both units and structures. Deathknight can summon 6 invul units and Creeplord can stun enemies

And I’m limited to only 3 heroes against their greater number of heroes

In this Battle of Battles, I try to keep my main army at the back area as I keep on summoning skels to meet the enemies head on. My  Darkranger, if she’s level 6 already, tries to charm a large enemy unit. Usually I focus on getting a wyrm or a chim. She can only charm one unit in every big clash since the ulti spell needs to cool down. Beastmaster is not yet level 6 in this greatest war of the game so I can only make him summon his bears and quillbeasts (level 2 spell). Creeplord’s also below the 6th level thus he only has his beetles

Thanks to my heroine’s silence spell (level 2 skill), I can at times stop the enemies’ starfall or blizzard or other spells. Silence is effective for several secs against an area that I have targeted.

People will cry in helplessness as they watch the colossal odds that my army is facing. Some will think that it’s just impossible to survive this most overpowering assault. The scores and scores of enemy units that are invading my base is so disheartening to see

But Brent is the World Number One and he is The One capable of withstanding this most massive attack

People will be speechless in shock and awe in the aftermath of this super massive battle - unbelieving that Brent's army had survived such a most extreme onslaught

"Magnificent !!!" - some will say. Unbelievable!!! Incredible!!!

That's Brent Harmach

In my last game (Feb. 6-7…), I survived this most crushing assault with all of my heroes alive (I had used up most of their potions). And in the devastating aftermath, I had several necs left, 3 wagons and a damaged healing stat. And I had a charmed wyrm.

All of my towers had been razed and my remaining peons were unable to do any repairs for I had zero resource. (In warcraft, repairs cost gold)

My mainhall was near destruction and my base’s minefield had run out of gold. There were a few other buildings left

 Good thing Beastmaster was level 7 already and Creeplord was level 6. I just stayed inbase for I needed to protect my remaining structures

And soon enough more waves of enemy armies came attacking – with their heroes, wyrms, chims, mtn giants, taurens, knights, gryphs, and more

And I withstood them all – oh yes – for I now have my stampede and swarm (my fave) spells. I love watching the awesome destructive force of my 3rd hero against these powerful enemies. And I had charmed another wyrm lol. Later I also got a gryph, and another chim. All of my necs were gone, my wagons and stat too.

Only when I was sure that I could take on the remaining enemies forces did I head outbase

But I went creeping first in order to buy potions for my heroes. This is to ensure my victory. As a result I got to charm some creep units lol

 And I found an available mine. With the money earned from my creepings, I was able to establish an expansion

Soon I had necs again, wagons and stats lol

Then I began my counter attacks and it was just massacre vs them enemies

At the end of the game, all my heroes were at max level (10)

Imagine the Brilliance of Brent’s super strats – and the tremendous complications of his gameplays - just to achieve this incredible feat.

I had to build my expansions at the right time, know where to send my army, tech at the right moment, know when to upgrade, know when to start building my defenses – at the same time being alert for possible encounters along the way. I had to know which heroes to choose and what items I should have for them. I had to know what units my army should consist of, how I’d defend vs the numerous and mighty enemy forces when they come attacking. I had to know what to do and where to go at various points of the game. My god the complexity is just so outstanding and it took real genius to win this impossible game - oh yeah



World History was made last February 4, 2011 – the very first time Brent won vs 6 coms. This has never been done before

Only Brent has done it. There is no feat of this kind in the entire history of the human race

Brent is the Only One in the whole world who has achieved this super feat

2 different replays of Brent’s World Record games are saved at Hack You net and coffee shop in Manila, Philippines

Brent is the World’s Number 1 Player in this area

I had dreamed years ago of being the Number 1 player of Frozen Throne in the world and I had realized it

So how does it feel to be the World Number One???

Dude, I am so fulfilled and so proud!!!   :D

In the future (maybe 100 years from now - haha lol), someone might claim about winning vs 6 coms using the Market Square map. But the First is always the Best. Check the date of that claim against the historical date of Feb. 4, 2011. See who did it first

This feat may inspire others to try beating 6 or more computers, and for that I am thankful

It’s Great to be the Leading Human in this area. To be the One in all of humankind who has achieved the Highest Level in this field

No other human in all of humanity's history - from the Beginning of Time - has done this Unbelievable Feat

So go for your dreams too.

Nothing is impossible when you make all possible

-       Brent Harmach                  

Actually, Brent is the Only One in the Whole Universe who has achieved this Impossible Feat!!!

Update: Brent has succeeded too (Feb. 9) using a different strat - with his 3 heroes, several wyrms and 2 stats

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